SCAQMD Annual Emissions Report/Fees
Annual Emissions Packages are mailed to companies around the end of December of every year and the completed forms/fees are due by early March of the following year. This report is due once a year.
SCAQMD Annual Operating Fees
The SCAQMD sends invoices to all companies with active permits, annually. The fees are due upon the receipt of invoice and are based on the type of equipment or process.
The deadline for the filing of the EPA Form R (or Form A for simplified reporting) for the hazardous materials used each year, is July 1 of following year.
Board of Equalization
The Hazardous Waste Generator Fee Return form is due twice a year: February 28 and August 31. The form and the corresponding fees are sent to the California Board of Equalization in Sacramento, CA. The fees are determined by the amount of Hazardous waste generated at the facility.
Department of Toxic Substances Control
All hazardous waste generators must fill out the Verification Questionnaire and forms A and B once a year. The fees depend on the number of manifests generated during the previous year and the number of employees. The completed forms are due within 30 days after receipt.
Wastewater Treatment Surcharge Statement
The amount of the facility’s annual wastewater discharge determines whether a Short Form or the Long Form is to be submitted. Every year, the Los Angeles County Sanitation District mails the forms/packages to companies and completed forms are due by August 15. It is based on the Fiscal year starting July 1 and ending June 30 of the following year.
Wastewater Discharge < 1 million gallons : Exempt
1 million gallons < Wastewater Discharge < 6 million gallons: Short Form
Wastewater Discharge > 6 million gallons: Long Form
Stormwater Discharge Reports
The deadline for the submittal of the Stormwater Discharge Report to the Water Board is July 1 of every year.
Occupational Lead Poisoning Fee Return
All companies with evidence of a potential for lead poisoning are required to file this form. It is due by February 28 of every year and covers the previous calendar year. The fees and the forms are to be sent to the California Board of Equalization in Sacramento, CA.
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